Hertz to Degrees per Second Converter

Enter the frequency in hertz below to get the value converted to degrees per second.


Result in Degrees per Second:

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1 Hz = 360 °/s

Do you want to convert degrees per second to hertz?

How to Convert Hertz to Degrees per Second

To convert a measurement in hertz to a measurement in degrees per second, multiply the frequency by the following conversion ratio: 360 degrees per second/hertz.

Since one hertz is equal to 360 degrees per second, you can use this simple formula to convert:

degrees per second = hertz × 360

The frequency in degrees per second is equal to the frequency in hertz multiplied by 360.

For example, here's how to convert 5 hertz to degrees per second using the formula above.
degrees per second = (5 Hz × 360) = 1,800 °/s

How Many Degrees per Second Are in a Hertz?

There are 360 degrees per second in a hertz, which is why we use this value in the formula above.

1 Hz = 360 °/s

Hertz and degrees per second are both units used to measure frequency. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.

What Is a Hertz?

One hertz is formally defined as the frequency of one cycle per second.[1]

The hertz is the SI derived unit for frequency in the metric system. Hertz can be abbreviated as Hz; for example, 1 hertz can be written as 1 Hz.

Frequency in hertz can be expressed using the formula:

Hz = Cycles / Time in Seconds

Learn more about hertz.

What Are Degrees per Second?

Degrees per second are a measure of angular frequency, or rotational speed, equal to the change in orientation or angle of an object in degrees per second.

Degrees per second can be abbreviated as °/s; for example, 1 degree per second can be written as 1 °/s.

In the expressions of units, the slash, or solidus (/), is used to express a change in one or more units relative to a change in one or more other units.[2] For example, °/s is expressing a change in angle relative to a change in time.

Learn more about degrees per second.

Hertz to Degree per Second Conversion Table

Table showing various hertz measurements converted to degrees per second.
Hertz Degrees Per Second
1 Hz 360 °/s
2 Hz 720 °/s
3 Hz 1,080 °/s
4 Hz 1,440 °/s
5 Hz 1,800 °/s
6 Hz 2,160 °/s
7 Hz 2,520 °/s
8 Hz 2,880 °/s
9 Hz 3,240 °/s
10 Hz 3,600 °/s
11 Hz 3,960 °/s
12 Hz 4,320 °/s
13 Hz 4,680 °/s
14 Hz 5,040 °/s
15 Hz 5,400 °/s
16 Hz 5,760 °/s
17 Hz 6,120 °/s
18 Hz 6,480 °/s
19 Hz 6,840 °/s
20 Hz 7,200 °/s
21 Hz 7,560 °/s
22 Hz 7,920 °/s
23 Hz 8,280 °/s
24 Hz 8,640 °/s
25 Hz 9,000 °/s
26 Hz 9,360 °/s
27 Hz 9,720 °/s
28 Hz 10,080 °/s
29 Hz 10,440 °/s
30 Hz 10,800 °/s
31 Hz 11,160 °/s
32 Hz 11,520 °/s
33 Hz 11,880 °/s
34 Hz 12,240 °/s
35 Hz 12,600 °/s
36 Hz 12,960 °/s
37 Hz 13,320 °/s
38 Hz 13,680 °/s
39 Hz 14,040 °/s
40 Hz 14,400 °/s


  1. National Institute of Standards and Technology, SI Units - Time, https://www.nist.gov/pml/owm/si-units-time
  2. National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST Guide to the SI, Chapter 6: Rules and Style Conventions for Printing and Using Units, https://www.nist.gov/pml/special-publication-811/nist-guide-si-chapter-6-rules-and-style-conventions-printing-and-using

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