Time Calculator

Use the time calculator below to add or subtract times, convert times to decimal or vice-versa, and calculate the time between times or dates.

Time One:
Time Two:
Time One:
Time Two:
Time One:


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How to Add Times

You can add two times or durations together by following a few easy steps:

Step One: Add the like components together. That is add the hours, minutes, and seconds together separately.

Step Two: If the resulting seconds are larger than 60, add 1 to the total minutes and subtract 60 from the total seconds.

Step Three: If the resulting minutes are larger than 60, then add 1 to the total hours and subtract 60 from the total minutes.

The final result will be the sum of the two times. You can learn more on our time addition calculator.

How to Subtract Times

If you’re trying to count down the time to a date you may need to subtract times. You can subtract one time from another by following a few easy steps:

Step One: Subtract the like components from one another. That is, subtract the hours, minutes, and seconds separately.

Step Two: If the resulting seconds are a negative number, then add 60 to the total seconds and subtract 1 from the total number of minutes.

Step Three: If the resulting minutes are a negative number, then add 60 to the total minutes and subtract 1 from the total hours.

The result will be the difference between the two numbers. You can learn more on our time subtraction calculator.

How to Convert a Time to Decimal

You can convert a time duration in hours, minutes, seconds, or any combination of the three to a decimal using a few different formulas.

Time to Hours Formula

Use this formula to convert a time to a decimal hours value:

time in hours = H + (M ÷ 60) + (S ÷ 3,600)

Time to Minutes Formula

Use this formula to convert a time to a decimal minutes value:

time in minutes = (H × 60) + M + (S ÷ 60)

Time to Seconds Formula

Use this formula to convert a time to seconds:

time in seconds = (H × 3,600) + (M × 60) + S

In all the above equations, H is the number of hours, M is the number of minutes, and S is the number of seconds.

How to Calculate Time Duration

You can calculate the time duration between two times by following a few steps.

Step One: Convert both times to 24-hour or military time.

Step Two: Convert both times to hours as a decimal. Use our time to decimal calculator, or divide the times in minutes by 60 to get the decimal portion of the hours.

Step Three: Subtract the start time from the end time to get the total elapsed time.

The final result will be the duration of time between the two times in hours. You can also use our time duration calculator to get this result.

You can use our days until date calculator or our day counter to find the duration in days between two dates.