What Date Is 12 Months Ago?

Are you trying to figure out what the date was twelve months ago from today?

icon for a calendar with one day highlighted red

Date 12 Months Ago:

Thursday, July 27, 2023

The date 12 months ago from today is Thursday, July 27, 2023. This calculation is made using today's date (July 27, 2024).

You can validate this result using our months from today or date calculators.

The following chart shows the date 12 months ago from today and various other days.
Start DateDate 12 Months Prior
July 23, 2024July 23, 2023
July 24, 2024July 24, 2023
July 25, 2024July 25, 2023
July 26, 2024July 26, 2023
July 27, 2024July 27, 2023
July 28, 2024July 28, 2023
July 29, 2024July 29, 2023
July 30, 2024July 30, 2023
July 31, 2024July 31, 2023

How to Calculate the Date 12 Months Ago

You can easily find the date twelve months ago by looking at a calendar. First, find the starting date on the calendar, then count backward one month at a time until you've counted 12 total months.

Instead of counting up, you can move backward one month at a time while subtracting 1 from 12 for each month you move backward. Continue this process until your original number of months has reached zero after subtracting. The result is the date 12 months ago.

You can also use this process to find the date in 12 months.

How Much Time is Twelve Months Ago From Now?

The last twelve months are the same amount of time as:

  • 52 weeks & 2 days
  • 366 days
  • 8,784 hours

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