Date Calculator – Add or Subtract Days, Weeks, Months

Use our date calculator to add or subtract days, weeks, months, or years from any date.

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How to Add Time to a Date

You can add days, weeks, or months to a date to calculate a new date by using a few methods. The easiest way is to use a calculator such as our adding days or adding weeks calculators.

You can also add days, weeks, or months to a date manually with the following steps.

Step One: Identify the Start Date

The first step is to identify the start date. You can use a paper or digital calendar to find the start date.

Step Two: Add Months

When adding time to a date, it is easiest to add the largest time denominations first. Therefore, the next step is to add the number of months to the date. Advance the date on the calendar one month for each month you want to add.

Step Three: Add Weeks

Next, you can add the weeks to the date. Continue to advance the date on the calendar one week for each week you want to add.

Step Four: Add Days

Finally, add the number of days to the date. Just like before, advance the date on the calendar one day for each day you want to add. You can use this method to find the date 28 days from today, for example.

You might also be interested in our date range calculator to find the duration between two dates.