Statamperes to Coulombs per Second Converter

Enter the electric current in statamperes below to get the value converted to coulombs per second.


Result in Coulombs per Second:

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1 statA = 3.3356E-9 C/s
Hint: use a scientific notation calculator to convert E notation to decimal

Do you want to convert coulombs per second to statamperes?

How to Convert Statamperes to Coulombs per Second

To convert a measurement in statamperes to a measurement in coulombs per second, multiply the electric current by the following conversion ratio: 3.3356E-9 coulombs per second/statampere.

Since one statampere is equal to 3.3356E-9 coulombs per second, you can use this simple formula to convert:

coulombs per second = statamperes × 3.3356E-9

The electric current in coulombs per second is equal to the electric current in statamperes multiplied by 3.3356E-9.

For example, here's how to convert 500,000,000 statamperes to coulombs per second using the formula above.
coulombs per second = (500,000,000 statA × 3.3356E-9) = 1.667821 C/s

Statamperes and coulombs per second are both units used to measure electric current. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.

What Is a Statampere?

The statmpere is the electrical current constant equal to the flow of one statcoulomb per second, or 0.33356 nanoamperes in the International System of Units.

The statampere is a centimeter-gram-second (CGS) electrostatic unit of electric current. Statamperes can be abbreviated as statA, and are also sometimes abbreviated as A-esu. For example, 1 statampere can be written as 1 statA or 1 A-esu.

Learn more about statamperes.

What Are Coulombs per Second?

One coulomb per second is equal to one coulomb of charge over one second.

Coulombs per second can be abbreviated as C/s; for example, 1 coulomb per second can be written as 1 C/s.

In the expressions of units, the slash, or solidus (/), is used to express a change in one or more units relative to a change in one or more other units.[1] For example, C/s is expressing a change in electric charge relative to a change in time.

Learn more about coulombs per second.

Statampere to Coulomb per Second Conversion Table

Table showing various statampere measurements converted to coulombs per second.
Statamperes Coulombs Per Second
1 statA 0.0000000033356 C/s
2 statA 0.0000000066713 C/s
3 statA 0.000000010007 C/s
4 statA 0.000000013343 C/s
5 statA 0.000000016678 C/s
6 statA 0.000000020014 C/s
7 statA 0.000000023349 C/s
8 statA 0.000000026685 C/s
9 statA 0.000000030021 C/s
10 statA 0.000000033356 C/s
100 statA 0.00000033356 C/s
1,000 statA 0.0000033356 C/s
10,000 statA 0.000033356 C/s
100,000 statA 0.000334 C/s
1,000,000 statA 0.003336 C/s
10,000,000 statA 0.033356 C/s
100,000,000 statA 0.333564 C/s
1,000,000,000 statA 3.3356 C/s


  1. National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST Guide to the SI, Chapter 6: Rules and Style Conventions for Printing and Using Units,

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