Microwatts to Horsepower Converter

Enter the power in microwatts below to get the value converted to horsepower.


Result in Horsepower:

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Mechanical Horsepower
1,000,000,000 µW = 1.341022 hp(I)
Electric Horsepower
1,000,000,000 µW = 1.340483 hp(E)
Metric Horsepower
1,000,000,000 µW = 1.359622 hp(M)
Boiler Horsepower
1,000,000,000 µW = 0.101942 hp(S)

Do you want to convert horsepower to microwatts?

How to Convert Microwatts to Horsepower

To convert a microwatt measurement to horsepower, use one of the formulas below.

Microwatts to Mechanical Horsepower

Formula to convert microwatts to mechanical horsepower:

hp(I) = microwatts ÷ 745,699,871.5823

Since mechanical horsepower is equal to 745,699,871.5823 microwatts, the formula to find mechanical horsepower is the power in microwatts divided by 745,699,871.5823.

For example, here's how to convert 5,000,000,000 microwatts to mechanical horsepower.
5,000,000,000 µW = (5,000,000,000 ÷ 745,699,871.5823) = 6.70511 hp(I)

Microwatts to Electric Horsepower

Formula to convert microwatts to electric horsepower:

hp(E) = microwatts ÷ 746,000,000

Since electric horsepower is equal to 746,000,000 microwatts, the formula to find electric horsepower is the power in microwatts divided by 746,000,000.

For example, here's how to convert 5,000,000,000 microwatts to electric horsepower.
5,000,000,000 µW = (5,000,000,000 ÷ 746,000,000) = 6.702413 hp(E)

Microwatts to Metric Horsepower

Formula to convert microwatts to metric horsepower:

hp(M) = microwatts ÷ 735,498,750

Since metric horsepower is equal to 735,498,750 microwatts, the formula to find metric horsepower is the power in microwatts divided by 735,498,750.

For example, here's how to convert 5,000,000,000 microwatts to metric horsepower.
5,000,000,000 µW = (5,000,000,000 ÷ 735,498,750) = 6.798108 hp(M)

Microwatts to Boiler Horsepower

Formula to convert microwatts to boiler horsepower:

hp(S) = microwatts ÷ 9,809,500,000

Since boiler horsepower is equal to 9,809,500,000 microwatts, the formula to find boiler horsepower is the power in microwatts divided by 9,809,500,000.

For example, here's how to convert 5,000,000,000 microwatts to boiler horsepower.
5,000,000,000 µW = (5,000,000,000 ÷ 9,809,500,000) = 0.50971 hp(S)

Microwatts and horsepower are both units used to measure power. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.


One microwatt is the power equal to 1/1,000,000 of a watt, or the energy consumption at a rate of 1/1,000,000 of a joule per second.

The microwatt is a multiple of the watt, which is the SI derived unit for power. In the metric system, "micro" is the prefix for millionths, or 10-6. Microwatts can be abbreviated as µW; for example, 1 microwatt can be written as 1 µW.


Electric and mechanical are the most commonly used types. One electric horsepower is equivalent to 746 watts and one mechanical horsepower is equivalent to 745.699872 watts.

Mechanical Horsepower

Mechanical horsepower is often used to measure the output of engines and motors in North America. One mechanical horsepower is equal to 745.69987158227022 watts.

The mechanical horsepower is a US customary and imperial unit of power. Mechanical horsepower can be abbreviated as hp(I); for example, 1 mechanical horsepower can be written as 1 hp(I).

Electric Horsepower

Electric horsepower is used to measure the output of electric motors and other electrical machines in the US. One electric horsepower is equal to exactly 746 watts.

The electric horsepower is a US customary and imperial unit of power. Electric horsepower can be abbreviated as hp(E); for example, 1 electric horsepower can be written as 1 hp(E).

Metric Horsepower

One metric horsepower is the power needed to one metric horsepower as the lift a 75 kilogram mass at at one meter per second.[1] One metric horsepower is equal to 735.49875 watts.

The metric horsepower is a non-SI metric unit for power. Metric horsepower can be abbreviated as hp(M), and are also sometimes abbreviated as PS, cv, hk, pk, ks, or ch. For example, 1 metric horsepower can be written as 1 hp(M), 1 PS, 1 cv, 1 hk, 1 pk, 1 ks, or 1 ch.

Boiler Horsepower

Boiler horsepower is used to measure the power of a boiler to generate steam. One boiler horsepower is equal to the power needed to evaporate 34.5 pounds in one hour.[2]

Boiler horsepower can be abbreviated as hp(S); for example, 1 boiler horsepower can be written as 1 hp(S).

The term horsepower was adopted by Scottish inventor James Watt to measure the power output of his steam engine and to compare that power with that of horses horses.[3] Horsepower were later used to measure the power output of piston and turbine engines and electrical motors.

Try our engine horsepower calculator to calculate the power of a motor.

Microwatt to Horsepower Conversion Table

Microwatts converted to various horsepower values.
Microwatts Mechanical Horsepower Electric Horsepower Metric Horsepower Boiler Horsepower
1 µW 0.000000001341 0.0000000013405 0.0000000013596 0.00000000010194
2 µW 0.000000002682 0.000000002681 0.0000000027192 0.00000000020388
3 µW 0.0000000040231 0.0000000040214 0.0000000040789 0.00000000030583
4 µW 0.0000000053641 0.0000000053619 0.0000000054385 0.00000000040777
5 µW 0.0000000067051 0.0000000067024 0.0000000067981 0.00000000050971
6 µW 0.0000000080461 0.0000000080429 0.0000000081577 0.00000000061165
7 µW 0.0000000093872 0.0000000093834 0.0000000095174 0.00000000071359
8 µW 0.000000010728 0.000000010724 0.000000010877 0.00000000081554
9 µW 0.000000012069 0.000000012064 0.000000012237 0.00000000091748
10 µW 0.00000001341 0.000000013405 0.000000013596 0.0000000010194
100 µW 0.0000001341 0.00000013405 0.00000013596 0.000000010194
1000 µW 0.000001341 0.0000013405 0.0000013596 0.00000010194
10000 µW 0.00001341 0.000013405 0.000013596 0.0000010194
100000 µW 0.000134 0.000134 0.000136 0.000010194
1000000 µW 0.001341 0.00134 0.00136 0.000102
10000000 µW 0.01341 0.013405 0.013596 0.001019
100000000 µW 0.134102 0.134048 0.135962 0.010194
1000000000 µW 1.341 1.3405 1.3596 0.101942


  1. Merriam-Webster, metric horsepower, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/metric%20horsepower
  2. Wikipedia, Horsepower, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsepower
  3. Encyclopædia Britannica, Horsepower, https://www.britannica.com/science/horsepower

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