Kilowatt-Hours per 100 Kilometers to Miles per Kilowatt-Hour Converter (KWh/100km to Mi/kWh)
Enter the electric car efficiency in kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers below to get the value converted to miles per kilowatt-hour.
Result in Miles per Kilowatt-Hour:
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How to Convert Kilowatt-Hours per 100 Kilometers to Miles per Kilowatt-Hour
Convert kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers to miles per kilowatt-hour with this simple formula:
mi/kWh = 100 ÷ 1.609344 ÷ kWh/100km
Insert the kWh/100km efficiency measurement in the formula and then solve to find the result.
For example, let's convert 50 kWh/100km to mi/kWh:
50 kWh/100km = ( 100 ÷ 1.609344 ÷ 50 ) = 1.242742 mi/kWh
Kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers and miles per kilowatt-hour are both units used to measure electric car efficiency. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.
What Are Kilowatt-Hours per 100 Kilometers?
Kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers are a measure of electric vehicle energy efficiency equal to the kilowatt-hours of energy needed for a vehicle to travel 100 kilometers.
The kilowatt-hour per 100 kilometers is an SI unit of electric car efficiency in the metric system. Kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers can be abbreviated as kWh/100km; for example, 1 kilowatt-hour per 100 kilometers can be written as 1 kWh/100km.
In the expressions of units, the slash, or solidus (/), is used to express a change in one or more units relative to a change in one or more other units.
Learn more about kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers.
What Are Miles per Kilowatt-Hour?
Miles per kilowatt-hour is a measure of electric vehicle efficiency equal to the distance traveled in miles consuming one kilowatt-hour of energy.
The mile per kilowatt-hour is a US customary unit of electric car efficiency. Miles per kilowatt-hour can be abbreviated as mi/kWh; for example, 1 mile per kilowatt-hour can be written as 1 mi/kWh.
Learn more about miles per kilowatt-hour.
Kilowatt-Hour per 100 Kilometers to Mile per Kilowatt-Hour Conversion Table
Kilowatt-hours Per 100 Kilometers | Miles Per Kilowatt-hour |
1 kWh/100km | 62.14 mi/kWh |
2 kWh/100km | 31.07 mi/kWh |
3 kWh/100km | 20.71 mi/kWh |
4 kWh/100km | 15.53 mi/kWh |
5 kWh/100km | 12.43 mi/kWh |
6 kWh/100km | 10.36 mi/kWh |
7 kWh/100km | 8.8767 mi/kWh |
8 kWh/100km | 7.7671 mi/kWh |
9 kWh/100km | 6.9041 mi/kWh |
10 kWh/100km | 6.2137 mi/kWh |
11 kWh/100km | 5.6488 mi/kWh |
12 kWh/100km | 5.1781 mi/kWh |
13 kWh/100km | 4.7798 mi/kWh |
14 kWh/100km | 4.4384 mi/kWh |
15 kWh/100km | 4.1425 mi/kWh |
16 kWh/100km | 3.8836 mi/kWh |
17 kWh/100km | 3.6551 mi/kWh |
18 kWh/100km | 3.4521 mi/kWh |
19 kWh/100km | 3.2704 mi/kWh |
20 kWh/100km | 3.1069 mi/kWh |
21 kWh/100km | 2.9589 mi/kWh |
22 kWh/100km | 2.8244 mi/kWh |
23 kWh/100km | 2.7016 mi/kWh |
24 kWh/100km | 2.589 mi/kWh |
25 kWh/100km | 2.4855 mi/kWh |
26 kWh/100km | 2.3899 mi/kWh |
27 kWh/100km | 2.3014 mi/kWh |
28 kWh/100km | 2.2192 mi/kWh |
29 kWh/100km | 2.1427 mi/kWh |
30 kWh/100km | 2.0712 mi/kWh |
31 kWh/100km | 2.0044 mi/kWh |
32 kWh/100km | 1.9418 mi/kWh |
33 kWh/100km | 1.8829 mi/kWh |
34 kWh/100km | 1.8276 mi/kWh |
35 kWh/100km | 1.7753 mi/kWh |
36 kWh/100km | 1.726 mi/kWh |
37 kWh/100km | 1.6794 mi/kWh |
38 kWh/100km | 1.6352 mi/kWh |
39 kWh/100km | 1.5933 mi/kWh |
40 kWh/100km | 1.5534 mi/kWh |
More Kilowatt-Hour per 100 Kilometers & Mile per Kilowatt-Hour Conversions
- kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers to kilometers per kilowatt-hour
- kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers to miles per gallon gasoline equivalent
- kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers to kilowatt-hours per 100 miles
- kilometers per kilowatt-hour to miles per kilowatt-hour
- miles per gallon gasoline equivalent to miles per kilowatt-hour
- kilowatt-hours per 100 miles to miles per kilowatt-hour