Kilowatt-Hours per 100 Kilometers to Miles per Gallon Gasoline Equivalent Converter (KWh/100km to MPGe)

Enter the electric car efficiency in kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers below to get the value converted to miles per gallon gasoline equivalent.


Result in Miles per Gallon Gasoline Equivalent:

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1 kWh/100km = 2,094.331603 MPGe

Do you want to convert MPGe to kWh/100km?

How to Convert Kilowatt-Hours per 100 Kilometers to Miles per Gallon Gasoline Equivalent

Convert kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers to miles per gallon gasoline equivalent with this simple formula:

MPGe = 3370.5 ÷ 1.609344 ÷ kWh/100km

Insert the kWh/100km efficiency measurement in the formula and then solve to find the result.

For example, let's convert 50 kWh/100km to MPGe:

50 kWh/100km = ( 3370.5 ÷ 1.609344 ÷ 50 ) = 41.886632 MPGe

conversion scale showing kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers and equivalent miles per gallon gasoline equivalent electric car efficiency values

Kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers and miles per gallon gasoline equivalent are both units used to measure electric car efficiency. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.

What Are Kilowatt-Hours per 100 Kilometers?

Kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers are a measure of electric vehicle energy efficiency equal to the kilowatt-hours of energy needed for a vehicle to travel 100 kilometers.

The kilowatt-hour per 100 kilometers is an SI unit of electric car efficiency in the metric system. Kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers can be abbreviated as kWh/100km; for example, 1 kilowatt-hour per 100 kilometers can be written as 1 kWh/100km.

In the expressions of units, the slash, or solidus (/), is used to express a change in one or more units relative to a change in one or more other units.

Learn more about kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers.

What Are Miles per Gallon Gasoline Equivalent?

Miles per gallon gasoline equivalent is a way of measuring the energy needed equivalent to a gallon of gasoline to travel a distance in miles.

Because electric vehicles do not consume gasoline, the EPA set an equivalent amount of energy in kilowatt-hours that is equal to one gallon of gasoline. According to the EPA, one gallon of gasoline is equal to 33.705 kilowatt-hours.[1]

The mile per gallon gasoline equivalent is a US customary unit of electric car efficiency. Miles per gallon gasoline equivalent can be abbreviated as MPGe; for example, 1 mile per gallon gasoline equivalent can be written as 1 MPGe.

Learn more about miles per gallon gasoline equivalent.

Kilowatt-Hour per 100 Kilometers to Mile per Gallon Gasoline Equivalent Conversion Table

Table showing various kilowatt-hour per 100 kilometers measurements converted to miles per gallon gasoline equivalent.
Kilowatt-hours Per 100 Kilometers Miles Per Gallon Gasoline Equivalent
0.001 kWh/100km 2,094,332 MPGe
0.002 kWh/100km 1,047,166 MPGe
0.003 kWh/100km 698,111 MPGe
0.004 kWh/100km 523,583 MPGe
0.005 kWh/100km 418,866 MPGe
0.006 kWh/100km 349,055 MPGe
0.007 kWh/100km 299,190 MPGe
0.008 kWh/100km 261,791 MPGe
0.009 kWh/100km 232,704 MPGe
0.01 kWh/100km 209,433 MPGe
0.02 kWh/100km 104,717 MPGe
0.03 kWh/100km 69,811 MPGe
0.04 kWh/100km 52,358 MPGe
0.05 kWh/100km 41,887 MPGe
0.06 kWh/100km 34,906 MPGe
0.07 kWh/100km 29,919 MPGe
0.08 kWh/100km 26,179 MPGe
0.09 kWh/100km 23,270 MPGe
0.1 kWh/100km 20,943 MPGe
0.2 kWh/100km 10,472 MPGe
0.3 kWh/100km 6,981 MPGe
0.4 kWh/100km 5,236 MPGe
0.5 kWh/100km 4,189 MPGe
0.6 kWh/100km 3,491 MPGe
0.7 kWh/100km 2,992 MPGe
0.8 kWh/100km 2,618 MPGe
0.9 kWh/100km 2,327 MPGe
1 kWh/100km 2,094 MPGe


  1. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Technology,

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