Basis Point Calculator

Convert percentages and decimals to basis points and vice-versa using the bps calculator below.

How to Convert Percentage to Basis Points

Percentages and basis points (bps) are two commonly used measures of change. Percentages are a proportion out of 100, while basis points are a proportion out of 10,000. Although they seem similar, they are not the same thing.

To convert percentages to basis points, you need to multiply the percentage by 100. The percentage to basis point formula is:

basis points = percentage × 100

For example, let’s convert 0.5% to basis points.

0.5 × 100 = 50 bps

So, 0.5% is equivalent to 50 basis points.

How to Convert Basis Points to a Percentage

To convert percentages to basis points, you need to do the opposite and divide by 100.

percentage = basis points ÷ 100

For example, let’s convert 25 basis points to a percentage.

25 basis points ÷ 100 = 0.25%

Thus, 25 basis points are equal to a 0.25% change.

Basis Point Conversion Chart

The table below shows commonly used basis points and their equivalent percentage values.
Percentage Basis Points
0.1% 10 bps
0.15% 15 bps
0.2% 20 bps
0.25% 25 bps
0.3% 30 bps
0.35% 35 bps
0.4% 40 bps
0.45% 45 bps
0.5% 50 bps
0.55% 55 bps
0.6% 60 bps
0.65% 65 bps
0.7% 70 bps
0.75% 75 bps
0.8% 80 bps
0.85% 85 bps
0.9% 90 bps
0.95% 95 bps
1.0% 100 bps

Frequently Asked Questions

What are basis points?

Basis points are a standard measure for change, interest rates, and other percentages, and are used frequently in finance.

The word basis is derived from the base move between percentages. This is sometimes also referred to as the spread between two different interest rates.

Why do we use basis points?

Since the changes in some financial values and percentages are usually very small, they are measured in a fraction of a percent. Thus, basis points help describe movements in interest rates and other values that are smaller than one percent.

How much is one basis point?

One basis point is equal to 1/100th of 1%, or 0.01%. In decimal form, one basis point is equal to 0.0001.

How much is 100 basis points?

Since one basis point is 1/100th of 1%, 100 basis points are equal to 1%. In decimal form, 100 basis points are equal to 0.01.