Convert lb/hr to cc/min & cc/min to lb/hr

Enter the injector fuel flow rate in lb/hr to convert to cc/min or enter cc/min to convert to lb/hr.

Convert lb/hr to cc/min


Convert cc/min to lb/hr


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How to Convert Fuel Injector Flow Rates

Every fuel injector has a specific flow rate, which is defined as how much fuel can flow through it within a certain period of time. This flow rate can be measured in either pounds per hour (lb/hr) or cubic centimeters per minute (cc/min).

You can convert a fuel injector flow rate from lb/hr to cc/min or from cc/min to lb/hr by using one of these formulas:

How to Convert lb/hr to cc/min

To convert a fuel injector flow rate from lb/hr to cc/min, use this formula:

cc/min = lb/hr × 10.5

For example, to convert 35 lb/hr to cc/min:

cc/min = 35 lb/hr × 10.5
cc/min = 367.5

How to Convert cc/min to lb/hr

To convert a fuel injector flow rate from cc/min to lb/hr, use this formula:

lb/hr = cc/min ÷ 10.5

For example, to convert 1,509 cc/min to lb/hr.

lb/hr = 1,509 ÷ 10.5
lb/hr = 143.71