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Get Estimates From Concrete and Masonry Contractors for the Best Price and Solution

Finding the right concrete contractor to assist you with cement installation project can save valuable time and get your project done correctly and on budget. Here are a few tips to follow as you’re getting started on finding a contractor for your project.

Tip #1: Get 3 Estimates

It is important to get estimates from at least 3 masonry installers to get a good range of pricing as well as understand your project and how the contractors are going to work.

Tip #2: Have a Plan

It’s also a good idea to have a solid plan and idea of what you want before getting an estimate to ensure that your quotes accurately account for as many of your project details as possible. Ask questions about things you may not understand, such as what types of concrete to use, what planning steps are necessary, and what the payment policy is.

Tip #3: Get Rough Estimates Using a Calculator

If you’re looking for a rough estimate of material costs, check out our concrete block material calculator, concrete and slab material calculator, or our post hole concrete calculator.

Tip #4: Ask to See the Contractor’s Portfolio

If you’re still looking for ideas it’s a great idea to discuss what’s possible with a concrete installer. Many installers have a portfolio of their work and it’s very likely that they have done some things with concrete that you may not have considered or thought was possible. Ask about decorative finishes that can be applied such as coloring and stamping a slab.

Finding a local concrete installation contractor is as easy as filling out the form above. Tell us about the type of project you’re working on, where you’re located, and how to contact you and we pair you with contractors close to you that specialize in your specific project. We connect you to masonry contractors and have them reach out to you about your project!