Common Fractions with Decimal Equivalents

The following chart shows all of the most common fractions and the equivalent decimal values. Quickly look up the decimal value for a fraction or find the closest fraction for a known decimal value.

The chart shows fractions with denominators up to 20.

Not seeing your fraction? It’s possible that it’s not fully reduced, try simplifying the fraction first, or just use our calculator to convert a fraction to a decimal.

Chart showing common fractions and the equivalent decimal value.
Fraction Decimal
1/2 0.5
1/3 0.3333
2/3 0.6667
1/4 0.25
3/4 0.75
1/5 0.2
2/5 0.4
3/5 0.6
4/5 0.8
1/6 0.1667
5/6 0.8333
1/7 0.1429
2/7 0.2857
3/7 0.4286
4/7 0.5714
5/7 0.7143
6/7 0.8571
1/8 0.125
3/8 0.375
5/8 0.625
7/8 0.875
1/9 0.1111
2/9 0.2222
4/9 0.4444
5/9 0.5556
7/9 0.7778
8/9 0.8889
1/10 0.1
3/10 0.3
7/10 0.7
9/10 0.9
1/11 0.0909
2/11 0.1818
3/11 0.2727
4/11 0.3636
5/11 0.4545
6/11 0.5455
7/11 0.6364
8/11 0.7273
9/11 0.8182
10/11 0.9091
1/12 0.0833
5/12 0.4167
7/12 0.5833
11/12 0.9167
1/13 0.0769
2/13 0.1538
3/13 0.2308
4/13 0.3077
5/13 0.3846
6/13 0.4615
7/13 0.5385
8/13 0.6154
9/13 0.6923
10/13 0.7692
11/13 0.8462
12/13 0.9231
1/14 0.0714
3/14 0.2143
5/14 0.3571
9/14 0.6429
11/14 0.7857
13/14 0.9286
1/15 0.0667
2/15 0.1333
4/15 0.2667
7/15 0.4667
8/15 0.5333
11/15 0.7333
13/15 0.8667
14/15 0.9333
1/16 0.0625
3/16 0.1875
5/16 0.3125
7/16 0.4375
9/16 0.5625
11/16 0.6875
13/16 0.8125
15/16 0.9375
1/17 0.0588
2/17 0.1176
3/17 0.1765
4/17 0.2353
5/17 0.2941
6/17 0.3529
7/17 0.4118
8/17 0.4706
9/17 0.5294
10/17 0.5882
11/17 0.6471
12/17 0.7059
13/17 0.7647
14/17 0.8235
15/17 0.8824
16/17 0.9412
1/18 0.0556
5/18 0.2778
7/18 0.3889
11/18 0.6111
13/18 0.7222
17/18 0.9444
1/19 0.0526
2/19 0.1053
3/19 0.1579
4/19 0.2105
5/19 0.2632
6/19 0.3158
7/19 0.3684
8/19 0.4211
9/19 0.4737
10/19 0.5263
11/19 0.5789
12/19 0.6316
13/19 0.6842
14/19 0.7368
15/19 0.7895
16/19 0.8421
17/19 0.8947
18/19 0.9474
1/20 0.05
3/20 0.15
7/20 0.35
9/20 0.45
11/20 0.55
13/20 0.65
17/20 0.85
19/20 0.95

Are you trying to convert a decimal to fraction? Try our decimal to fraction conversion calculator.

You might also be interested in our fraction and percent equivalents table for the percentage equivalents for common fractions.