Time to Seconds Calculator

Convert time to total seconds given the number of hours, minutes, and seconds. Convert a time or duration in HH:MM:SS to just seconds or to convert hours or minutes to seconds.


Time in Seconds:

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How to Convert Time to Seconds

To convert a time to just seconds, you can use this simple formula. It’s useful for converting a time or duration in HH:MM:SS form to the total number of seconds:

total seconds = (hours × 3600) + (minutes × 60) + seconds

For example, let’s convert 3:45:30 to the total number of seconds.

seconds = (3 × 3600) + (45 × 60) + 30
seconds = 10,800 + 2,700 + 30
seconds = 13,530

Thus, 3:45:30 is equivalent to a total of 13,530 seconds.

Check out our time to decimal calculator for similar calculations.