Hours From Now Calculator – Add Hours

Use our hours from now calculator to find the time and date in a specified number of hours.

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How to Add Hours

Whether it’s for scheduling meetings, setting reminders, or planning activities, we often find ourselves needing to calculate what time it will be a few hours from now. In order to correctly add hours to the current time, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of how time is measured:

  • There are 60 minutes in an hour – if you’re adding minutes, then you can use a minutes to hours converter
  • The day is divided into two segments – the first part of the day is 12 hours (AM) and the second part is 12 hours (PM)
  • In the 24-hour clock system, the hours are numbered from 00 to 23 – this is sometimes referred to as military time

To find out what time it will be a few hours from a specific starting time, follow a few simple steps:

Step One: Determine the Starting Time

Identify the exact time you are starting from. This could be the current time or a time in the future. For instance, let’s say the starting time is 3:00 PM.

Step Two: Add Hours to the Starting Time

Now, you simply need to add the hours to the hour part of your starting time. Continuing with our example, let’s see how to add 2 hours to the start time:

3:00 PM + 2 hours = 5:00 PM

You can use the same process to add minutes to the time.

Special Considerations

Crossing AM and PM requires some additional calculations. If adding hours crosses the AM/PM divide, remember to switch from AM to PM or vice versa.

For example, adding 2 hours to a start time of 11:00 AM is 13:00 in 24-hour time, but in 12-hour time it is 1:00 PM.

Be mindful that in some cases, adding hours will span into the following day(s). For instance, adding 2 hours to 11:00 PM (23:00) is 1:00 AM the following day.

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