Convert Teaspoons of Flour to Ounces

Enter the amount of flour in teaspoons below to get the value converted to ounces.


Result in Ounces:

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1 tsp = 0.091858 oz

Do you want to convert ounces of flour to teaspoons?

How to Convert Teaspoons of Flour to Ounces

To convert a measurement in teaspoons to a measurement in ounces, multiply the flour by the following conversion ratio: 0.091858 ounces/teaspoon.

Since one teaspoon of flour is equal to 0.091858 ounces, you can use this simple formula to convert:

ounces = teaspoons × 0.091858

The flour in ounces is equal to the flour in teaspoons multiplied by 0.091858.

For example, here's how to convert 5 teaspoons to ounces using the formula above.
ounces = (5 tsp × 0.091858) = 0.459289 oz

Experts often recommend measuring dry ingredients by weight for accuracy,[1] but some recipes use volume, and not all home cooks own a digital scale. Converting between weight and volume can be tricky because different types of flour vary in density.

The table below can help with the conversion and shows the approximate volume measurement for the weight of various types of flour.

Flour Weight to Volume Conversion Table

Ounce measurements and the equivalent measurements in teaspoons for various types of flour.
Ounces Teaspoons (A.P. Flour) Teaspoons (Bread Flour) Teaspoons (Cake Flour) Teaspoons (Rye Flour) Teaspoons (Wheat Flour)
1 oz 10 3/4 tsp 10 3/4 tsp 13 2/3 tsp 13 1/3 tsp 11 1/3 tsp
2 oz 21 3/4 tsp 21 1/2 tsp 27 1/4 tsp 26 2/3 tsp 22 2/3 tsp
3 oz 32 2/3 tsp 32 1/8 tsp 40 3/4 tsp 40 1/16 tsp 34 1/16 tsp
4 oz 43 1/2 tsp 42 3/4 tsp 54 1/2 tsp 53 1/3 tsp 45 1/3 tsp
5 oz 54 1/2 tsp 53 1/2 tsp 68 1/16 tsp 66 2/3 tsp 56 2/3 tsp
6 oz 65 1/3 tsp 64 1/4 tsp 81 2/3 tsp 80 1/16 tsp 68 1/16 tsp
7 oz 76 1/4 tsp 75 1/16 tsp 95 1/4 tsp 93 1/3 tsp 79 1/3 tsp
8 oz 87 1/16 tsp 85 3/4 tsp 108 3/4 tsp 106 3/4 tsp 90 3/4 tsp
9 oz 97 3/4 tsp 96 1/2 tsp 122 1/2 tsp 120 1/16 tsp 102 1/16 tsp
10 oz 108 3/4 tsp 107 1/8 tsp 136 1/16 tsp 133 1/3 tsp 113 1/3 tsp
11 oz 119 3/4 tsp 117 3/4 tsp 149 2/3 tsp 146 3/4 tsp 124 3/4 tsp
12 oz 130 2/3 tsp 128 1/2 tsp 163 1/3 tsp 160 1/8 tsp 136 1/16 tsp
13 oz 141 1/2 tsp 139 1/3 tsp 176 3/4 tsp 173 1/2 tsp 147 1/2 tsp
14 oz 152 1/3 tsp 150 1/16 tsp 190 1/2 tsp 186 3/4 tsp 158 3/4 tsp
15 oz 163 1/3 tsp 160 3/4 tsp 204 1/8 tsp 200 1/8 tsp 170 1/8 tsp
16 oz 174 1/8 tsp 171 1/2 tsp 217 3/4 tsp 213 1/2 tsp 181 1/2 tsp
17 oz 185 1/16 tsp 182 1/8 tsp 231 1/3 tsp 226 3/4 tsp 192 3/4 tsp
18 oz 195 3/4 tsp 192 3/4 tsp 244 3/4 tsp 240 1/8 tsp 204 1/8 tsp
19 oz 206 3/4 tsp 203 2/3 tsp 258 1/2 tsp 253 1/2 tsp 215 1/2 tsp
20 oz 217 3/4 tsp 214 1/3 tsp 272 1/8 tsp 266 3/4 tsp 226 3/4 tsp
21 oz 228 2/3 tsp 225 1/16 tsp 285 3/4 tsp 280 1/8 tsp 238 1/8 tsp
22 oz 239 1/2 tsp 235 3/4 tsp 299 1/3 tsp 293 1/2 tsp 249 1/2 tsp
23 oz 250 1/3 tsp 246 1/2 tsp 312 3/4 tsp 306 3/4 tsp 260 3/4 tsp
24 oz 261 1/4 tsp 257 1/8 tsp 326 2/3 tsp 320 1/4 tsp 272 1/8 tsp
25 oz 272 1/8 tsp 267 3/4 tsp 340 1/4 tsp 333 1/2 tsp 283 1/2 tsp
26 oz 283 1/16 tsp 278 2/3 tsp 353 3/4 tsp 346 3/4 tsp 294 3/4 tsp
27 oz 293 3/4 tsp 289 1/3 tsp 367 1/3 tsp 360 1/4 tsp 306 1/8 tsp
28 oz 304 3/4 tsp 300 1/16 tsp 381 1/16 tsp 373 1/2 tsp 317 1/2 tsp
29 oz 315 2/3 tsp 310 3/4 tsp 394 2/3 tsp 386 3/4 tsp 328 3/4 tsp
30 oz 326 2/3 tsp 321 1/2 tsp 408 1/4 tsp 400 1/4 tsp 340 1/4 tsp
31 oz 337 1/2 tsp 332 1/8 tsp 421 3/4 tsp 413 1/2 tsp 351 1/2 tsp
32 oz 348 1/3 tsp 342 3/4 tsp 435 1/2 tsp 426 3/4 tsp 362 3/4 tsp

Should You Measure Flour by Weight or Volume?

Most experts agree that dry ingredients like flour should be measured by weight rather than volume, especially in baking. The reason for this is that flours vary slightly in density, so a volume measurement will likely yield an incorrect amount of ingredients. Additionally, the amount that the flour is packed or compressed in the cup or tablespoon will alter the amount of ingredients being added.

For these reasons, a food scale, rather than measuring cups or spoons, is the preferred way to measure flour when cooking. For recipes that call for measurements in volume, professional bakers use a whisk to aerate flour that's been stored in a bag or canister before measuring since flour will settle when stored and weigh heavier even in the same-sized measuring cup.

Teaspoons and ounces are both units used to measure flour. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.

What Is a Teaspoon?

A teaspoon of flour is equal to 1/3 of a tablespoon. A teaspoon is a measure of flour volume.

The teaspoon is a US customary unit of volume. Teaspoons can be abbreviated as tsp, and are also sometimes abbreviated as t, ts, or tspn. For example, 1 teaspoon can be written as 1 tsp, 1 t, 1 ts, or 1 tspn.

Learn more about teaspoons.

What Is an Ounce?

An ounce of flour is 1/16 of a pound, and there are 28.3495 grams in one ounce. An ounce is a measure of flour weight.

The ounce is a US customary and imperial unit of weight. Ounces can be abbreviated as oz; for example, 1 ounce can be written as 1 oz.

Learn more about ounces.


  1. Nila Jones, The Best and Most Accurate Way to Measure Wet and Dry Ingredients for Baking, Serious Eats,

More Teaspoon & Ounce Conversions