Pints to Liters Converter

Enter the volume in pints below to get the value converted to liters.


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1 pt = 0.473176 L

Do you want to convert liters to pints?

How to Convert Pints to Liters

To convert a measurement in pints to a measurement in liters, multiply the volume by the following conversion ratio: 0.473176 liters/pint.

Since one pint is equal to 0.473176 liters, you can use this simple formula to convert:

liters = pints × 0.473176

The volume in liters is equal to the volume in pints multiplied by 0.473176.

For example, here's how to convert 5 pints to liters using the formula above.
liters = (5 pt × 0.473176) = 2.365882 L
conversion scale showing pints and equivalent liters volume values

How Many Liters Are in a Pint?

There are 0.473176 liters in a pint, which is why we use this value in the formula above.

1 pt = 0.473176 L

Pints and liters are both units used to measure volume. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.

What Is a Pint?

The US liquid pint is a unit of fluid volume equal to one-eighth of a gallon, one-half of a quart, or two cups. The liquid pint should not be confused with the dry pint (US) or the imperial pint, which are different units.

The pint is a US customary unit of volume. Pints can be abbreviated as pt; for example, 1 pint can be written as 1 pt.

Learn more about pints.

What Is a Liter?

A liter is a unit of volume equal to 1,000 cubic centimeters or 0.264172 US gallons.[1] The liter is a special name defined for the cubic decimeter and is exactly equal to the volume of one cubic decimeter (1 decimeter is 1/10 of a meter, or 10 centimeters).

The liter is an SI accepted unit for volume for use with the metric system. A liter is sometimes also referred to as a litre. Liters can be abbreviated as L, and are also sometimes abbreviated as l or . For example, 1 liter can be written as 1 L, 1 l, or 1 ℓ.

Learn more about liters.

Pint to Liter Conversion Table

Table showing various pint measurements converted to liters.
Pints Liters
1 pt 0.473176 L
2 pt 0.946353 L
3 pt 1.4195 L
4 pt 1.8927 L
5 pt 2.3659 L
6 pt 2.8391 L
7 pt 3.3122 L
8 pt 3.7854 L
9 pt 4.2586 L
10 pt 4.7318 L
11 pt 5.2049 L
12 pt 5.6781 L
13 pt 6.1513 L
14 pt 6.6245 L
15 pt 7.0976 L
16 pt 7.5708 L
17 pt 8.044 L
18 pt 8.5172 L
19 pt 8.9904 L
20 pt 9.4635 L
21 pt 9.9367 L
22 pt 10.41 L
23 pt 10.88 L
24 pt 11.36 L
25 pt 11.83 L
26 pt 12.3 L
27 pt 12.78 L
28 pt 13.25 L
29 pt 13.72 L
30 pt 14.2 L
31 pt 14.67 L
32 pt 15.14 L
33 pt 15.61 L
34 pt 16.09 L
35 pt 16.56 L
36 pt 17.03 L
37 pt 17.51 L
38 pt 17.98 L
39 pt 18.45 L
40 pt 18.93 L


  1. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Units outside the SI,

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